Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I heart Samantha

Yes, well, I do. Who could resist with pictures like these? ;) Anyway, this is a cute new shirt from Target and I just thought it would be a good excuse to get my camera out. She LOVES shoes...her inner (or maybe NOT so "inner") girlyness shining through...
She's a little excited about her ball and phone...she actually loves to pretend that she's talking on the phone. Just now, she had my old phone (pictured) to one ear and Zach's old phone to her other ear.
Last week, I went to Wheeler Farm with a couple friends. It was great...until Sami decided she wanted to roam free and SCREAMED bloody murder anytime I came close to her. Besides that, it actually was really fun. And Sami LOVED the animals...she must have her mothers' farmgirl genes. Of course, the best part about going to Wheeler Farm, was that it was FREE...that's right, I said F-R-E-E!

There were pigs, rabbits, cows, horses, goats, sheep, chickens, roosters, geese, ducks...and tractors...and there are probably more things that I'm forgetting.
Updates forthcoming... sometime... in the near... or not-so-near... future.


Los Smith said...

she is so cute and I bet super curious...I can see a bright little girl in the making :)...target=cute

Sarah Jane said...

Cute, i've been wanting to take Izzie to Wheeler farm, she loves animals!

bestgrandkidsever said...

The picture with the hat is one of my favorites! Such a cute expression!