Thursday, October 29, 2009

I Dont Need An Invisibility Cloak and I Bet You're Jealous!

Yes, folks, that's right! I can be invisible. Occasionally, I can even make my voice soundless. If you're not jealous, then you should be.

There are some stipulations.
-This only applies to Sami.
-I can NOT be invisible when I WANT to be invisible. (This is the major con of my invisibility.)
-I am invisible when any of the following items are happening (this is NOT an all-inclusive list):
*Sami is doing something she knows she's not supposed to be doing
*A diaper needs to be changed
*It's time to be done doing something (ie. playing in the sink, with her blocks, with her rocks, or pretty much any toy, etc)
*It's time to get dressed for the day
*It's time to get out of the bath
-My voice is soundless in the following situations:
*I have said the same thing 50 times (of course it should go without saying that I am actually invisible for all 50 times)
*In general, if I am trying to say ANYTHING important
*I say the words "Sit down" or "Come here" or "Don't touch that please" or "Let's use quiet voices"
So, as it turns out, I DO have superpowers! Can I be a Super-Mom??? Oh, wait...

On an unrelated note: Check this video out. It's 7:33, but it is HILARIOUS. This is one of my favorite parts of Bill Cosby Himself (dvd).
I'm sorry, I just can't help how randomly my mind works.


bestgrandkidsever said...

You must be the mother of an almost two-year-old! :)(Which I still think is easier than a one year old.)

candice said...

YOU'RE PREGNANT!!!!!!!! how did i miss that? congratulations! two is a lot harder than one, but i'm sure you'll do a fantastic job!