Thursday, February 11, 2010

Too Much Intrusion For Me

This is one in a LONG line of ways the Federal Government (or maybe I should just government in general) is intruding into areas of my life that they have NO RIGHT intruding on.
This opinion column (and basically ALL of Walter Williams' columns) is right on, in my mind. I would put the text right here in the post, but it's kind of long for that (although it's not actually that long to read.)
Check it out.


bestgrandkidsever said...

Although I am not a fan of government intrusion either, I do have to say that census records are one of the greatest family history tools out there. For that reason alone I would hate to see them do away with it. I wonder if it would be less expensive if people filed out the questionnaire online. Seems like that would save a lot of money.

Tara Lynn said...

Its not the census itself that bothers me. Its the questions that do not fulfill the purpose of the census. They are just too personal for me. But I definitely merit in obtaining that information for historical purposes. For some reason I just don't see where what I pay for electricity and whether or not I have flushing toilets comes into the picture. :)

Zachary Pierre said...

Woo hoo! Someone besides me went political! It doesn't seem like he's against the census itself, just all the garbage that they're throwing in there. I plan on giving them the number of people in our household and nothing else, since that's all the constitution affords.

Ideas that save money & our government are like oil & water. I think they just laugh and treat us like idiots when they're presented with common sense solutions to all the problems they've caused.