Sunday, December 12, 2010

This is Actually Embarassing

It has been so long since I have had the ability/desire to do anything on our blog I feel it despises me. The truth is, blogging, among other shenanigins (did I spell that right?)on the internet, are way too inconvenient to do ON A PHONE. Yes, that is what I'm doing right now, but my thumbs are definitely complaining. I have been forced to learn this lesson because my only form of connecting to outside world is my little olde berry of the black variety. Seriously...I have no internet, no tv (which I don't really care that much about anyway), no newspaper (oddly, this deprivation may be the thing that makes me feel most out of touch) you see where I'm going with this? I am pretty much a hermet...except when I venture out to Walmart...and let me tell you, I have experienced some THRILLING adventures here! NOT! ANYhoo, I have learned something else from this period of deprivation (which MAY be partially over in a few months...maybe...)Now, you'll have to forgive me for getting a tad sentimental. Although, I am plenty emotional in person, I don't feel right subjecting those VERY few who care enough to follow/read this blog to it. Don't say I didn't warn you!
Moving on, I have realized that life goes on. You make sacrifices, and sometimes it is difficult to deal, but it turns out fine. In fact, at times, it helps you get to a point where you are more than fine. Life goes on. And right now, my life is more than fine..although not at all what I expected it to be at this stage. Well, my thumbs are screaming...this is the end.


bestgrandkidsever said...

Tara, you have been amazing through all this. Give yourself a big pat on the back!

mom aka gramma & gramma great said...

Tara, hang in there! I've walked in your shoes many times and I have survived. Be brave and know you are loved!!